*********Updates as of 8-4-11**********
Wplan03 is the significantly revised version of pPlan03. Maps and details reflecting 8-4-11 changes are posted at http://dallasredistricting2011.blogspot.com/
Wplan03 is the significantly revised version of pPlan03. Maps and details reflecting 8-4-11 changes are posted at http://dallasredistricting2011.blogspot.com/
******* Posts below are archived as of 6-30-11 ********
Below is a map of the current Dallas City Council boundary lines as well as those boundaries from 1991 to 2001.
Click on the map below to see a larger copy.

Below is pPlan03 submitted and accepted as a potential redistricting plan by the City of Dallas staff as of 5-17-11.

The above redistricting plan, and the same plan in a different format below, was accepted by for consideration by Dallas City Council Redistricting Commission on Tuesday 5-17-11. (Click on it, and/or the map below, to see larger copies.)
Below are the demographic profiles generated by this pPlan03 in each of the 14 recommended districts. The main goal in designing this plan was to eliminate gerrymandering and restore compact districts to Dallas while at the same time using the most significant boundaries possible for over 99.5% of the boundaries needed, and achieving all voting rights goals in the process. It is hoped that these goals have been exceeded. Almost all district boundaries used are either rivers, creeks, freeways, city limits, railroad tracks, or major 6-lane streets.
While this pPlan03 is now on record, I am very willing to submit another plan if anyone has ideas of needed changes to it that will improve it. It is such feedback from dozens of involved citizens that has helped this plan to evolve to what is on this page. Not all feedback can be used due to the voting rights requirements, or due to compactness requirements for districts, as I understand those requirements. Some of the most dedicated and concerned citizens have generously given such feedback that could not be used. I hope they understand. We are one multicultural city that will be ever greater due to that reality. We must all work together so that more and more citizens are encouraged to be actively involved in the day to day decisions our cities evolving history requires. Apathy is the greatest danger.If you see mistakes on this page, or in this pPlan03, please let me know.
Bill Betzen, bbetzen@aol.com.
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